Sunday, August 20, 2006

'Bridget' on blades.

I have been working on activities where I can learn to laugh at myself lately. Not being known as person with 'inner poise' (or even outer balance), I decided that I should accompany my kids plus my 10 year old nephew to the local roller skating. I should add that I never had any skill at roller skating, and that some twenty years on from my last attempt on blades, nothing much had changed! It was ok going slowly when I had the excuse of a 3-year-old hanging on to my hands, but after Isi and Toby gave up, I was the only person 20 years older than the rest of the skaters who did not have a child attached but was still moving precariously in the outer area of the rink (see the photo)! Not to be deterred, I did keep going for some considerable time and only crashed to the floor - Bridget Jones style - in the final circuit. It was definitely good for a laugh - mostly other people's laughter - so who knows what exploits I will get up to next, although I don't think I'll be making it on to the big screen!

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