Thursday, November 30, 2006

Second Life

Has anyone come across this site before? I read about in the metro on the way into work this week, and thought I'd have a look.

It's a whole virtual world (when I last looked over 11,000 people logged in) where you set youself up with a virtual identity, can travel and interact with other users.

People build homes, offices, bars and even churches. Found one church with over 400 members. It offers sermons (down loaded from real churches) worship, prayer rooms.......

I have to say that I've set myself up a new persona - Tobias Flamand (sounds quite grand doesn't it!)

Anyway have a look, and let me know what you think (it's free, although you can pay something like $6 a month)


Monday, November 20, 2006

Here's a little poem by the beautiful Isi!

My life

It’s Monday at 3.30 home time at last.
It ‘s Tuesday doesn’t time go fast.
It’s Wednesday the middle of the week I’m to tired to speak.
It’s Thursday nearly the end of the week.
Friday see how busy my life is.

By Isi.G.Page